Karim H. Karim
Academic and government bodies have recognized Karim H. Karim’s three decades of scholarship, service, and leadership. His designation as Chancellor’s Professor, “is the highest honour given by Carleton University for scholarship of outstanding merit with substantial international impact, research leadership and continued active participation in the development of research excellence.” He has a world-wide reputation as a leading scholar of media representations of Muslims and diasporic communication. Karim has had visiting appointments at Harvard and Aga Khan universities, holds an adjunct professorship at Simon Fraser University, and has delivered keynote addresses in several countries. His critically-acclaimed publications are cited widely and he was the inaugural winner of the Robinson Prize for his book Islamic Peril: Media and Global Violence.
Karim has served as Director of Carleton’s renowned School of Journalism and Communication and its Centre for the Study of Islam, respectively. He has also been Co-Director of the Institute of Ismaili Studies (UK). As Senior Policy Officer in the Canadian Government, he spearheaded founding initiatives on the Canadian Race Relations Foundation and Accessibility to Digitized Collections and has received government awards for excellent public service and for fostering collaboration between ethno-religious communities. The Institute of Ismaili Studies (UK) has presented him its inaugural Alumni Recognition Award for a career of exceptional service and leadership.
Karim’s record of service to academic, community, public, and civil society institutions in Canada and internationally includes leadership of the Committee for Equal Access and Participation (representing racialized employees in the Canadian government); invited presentations to Parliamentary Committees (examining Islamophobia, Canada’s relationship with Muslim countries, and media representations of racialized minorities); participation in government, academic (Aga Khan University and Central Asian University), and editorial boards (Canada, UK, and Australia-based journals); membership in Muslim community institutions (Kenya, USA, and Canada); and adjudication for a Lebanon-based international dialogue prize.